Thursday 9 April 2015

A Whole Other Economy

There's a whole other economy out there to the one that most of us are educated and conditioned into.
People all over the world are making money in all sorts of ways alongside their jobs and traditional businesses: Blogging, YouTube, Internet Marketing, Membership Sites, Affiliate Marketing, Network Marketing/Direct Sales etc. 

Many are making what is often referred to as 'residual' or 'passive income'; income that is paid without constantly exchanging your time or skills for money or chasing the next sale. 

An excellent vehicle for generating this 'royalty type' income is network marketing or Direct Sales.  Instead of paying millions in advertising and celebrity endorsement, companies pay the product's consumers to do the marketing. Think of it like crowd marketing through word of mouth... in reality it's how most consumer businesses are built. 

However, direct sales companies come and go. Some, like Avon and Amway have been around for decades. They're great companies but they have plateaued and it's very difficult for new representatives to make sizeable, regular incomes. 

The challenge is to find a company that has a solid foundation, proven track record and massive growth potential. 

The company I partnered with was founded in 2005 and have grown through the global recession. In 2013 our turnover was US$197 million.  In 2014 it was US$352 million.

We operate in the world's largest industry, the $7 trillion travel industry.  By innovating in such a gigantic industry a massive company is being created by securing a small slice of the pie. 

Last night it was announced that we ranked 47 in the Direct Selling News Global 100. Up from 67 last year and 75 the year before. With a forecast turnover of $500,000,000 (half a billion) for this year we will rise even further in next years top 100. 
The longer term goal is to be a $10 billion company and compete with Amway (household cleaning products) and Avon (cosmetics) to be the largest and most respected company in direct sales.. 

There are some great opportunities out there and I believe we have one of the  very best. 
Get out there and find one you love and if you want to find out more about what we're doing visit my website or contact me. 

The picture above is our co-founder Wayne Nugent with Warren Buffett one of the world's wealthiest people and the most successful investor of the 20th century. He knows a good deal when he sees one ;-)

Whatever you choose to do I wish you all the very best!

Happy hunting :-)

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