Tuesday 1 January 2013

Thinking of setting some New Year’s resolutions?

New Year, traditionally a time for setting resolutions; new things you are going to do, new ways you are going to live your life, new goals to set and targets to achieve.

However, for most people, New Year's resolutions are short-lived and setting goals is too big a challenge. Some even see setting goals as negative. This is because in the past goals have been set for us by parents, teachers and employers and used to measure us and even judge us.

So instead, how about designing the way you want to live your life?

Here are a few ideas:

Where are you going to live? In what country? In which area? In what type of property?
What experiences are you going to give your children?
What new skills are you going to learn?
What foods are you going to eat and where are you going to eat them?
Where are you going to travel? Who are you going to travel with?
What activities are you going to participate in? Who are you going to do those with?
What car are you going to drive?
What clothes are you going to wear?
What charities or causes are you going to support? 

Think of each area of your life e.g. personal growth, family, relationships, health, home, social, spiritual and design how would like it to be.
Add detail. Think of colour, sound, feel, smell.

Think of the feeling each of these designs gives you and really get into that emotion.

Go crazy; let your imagination run wild!

Think like a child.  Do not let your current circumstances restrict you. Where you are in life has no bearing on where you can go and what you can achieve.

Write your designs down. If you are not satisfied rewrite them.  Cross out. Doodle. Draw pictures, cut images out of magazines. Have fun! This is not work, this is pleasure!
You are designing your life and the way you want it to be!

Read and reread your designs daily. Get the feelings of living your designs inside of you. Do this several times a day at first. Eventually your subconscious will cause your conscious mind to take the actions and live your life in the way that is required for your designs to become your reality.

Make it a really happy New Year!