Monday 5 September 2011

Serious Virus Warning!

Serious Virus Warning

Generally I do not forward virus warnings let alone write one myself. Most of them are hoaxes and do nothing but waste time and spread fear.  That is interesting in itself as the virus that I wish to warn you about is called fear and it has spread throughout the world. And have you ever noticed how quickly those fake warnings spread?  Bad news travels far... and fast.

When you start to read about the effects of this virus you may think that I'm about to hit you with a punch line and that it's all a joke. Sadly, in this instance, I'm not. Although one thing we all need to have is a sense of humour.

The Virus

This virus, the virus of fear, is so powerful that it doesn't need a computer to spread it.  It has far greater impact than stealing your credit card details and wiping your C drive and it can rob you of your true identity.

It is spread from person to person and although it is not a medical condition it may be regarded as an illness and it is more prolific and deadly than bird flu and swine flu combined.  It is pandemic.

The fear virus is spread by the media, by newsreaders and newspapers, by politicians, by friends, by teachers, by religious leaders and even by parents.  Few are safe from its powerful effects.

The fear virus is started with a seed of negative information e.g. "tough times are ahead".  This spreads rapidly from person to person, from news item to news item and people start reacting to it; focusing on their fear of loss, changing their spending habits, reducing investment in their businesses, talking more and more about all that is bad and negative. Before you know it, it has spread across the world and become reality.  Fear of loss is self-perpetuating and deadly.  Jobs, businesses, and even lives are lost. Worldwide the belief that resources have somehow, suddenly and miraculously become more scarce can even start wars.

The Cure

However, unlike a medical virus which has to be left to run its course and cannot be treated with drugs, the fear virus has a powerful remedy… a positive mental attitude. 
Avoiding and dismissing negativity and immersing oneself in all things positive is as powerful a "virus" as fear.  There are many ways we can do this: surrounding ourselves with positive people is key. Reading books on personal development and success instead of watching DeadEnders and "the news" and reading mainstream newspapers. Being involved in an organisation that focuses on bringing about positive change.

As positivity spreads it brings about hope which leads to belief, faith and joy. This positive energy spreads from person to person and a rising tide of energy creates happiness and opportunity. Again peoples’ spending habits change but this time for the better. Investment in businesses increases and with it jobs and new opportunities.  

The Message

The underlying message is that the way we think as individuals determines what happens in our lives. The human being is, as far as science is aware, the only living creature that has the ability to choose their thoughts.  If you allow others to determine your thoughts you will lead the life that they determine. The thing is, it's easier to go along with everybody else and allow the fear virus to control us. Change takes determination.

There's an old saying "be careful what you wish for". It should not be taken lightly.  A wish is a thought. Be careful what you think about for what you think about you bring about; both good and bad.  Many minds thinking together are vastly more powerful than one. Wholesale fear has brought pain, misery and suffering. Wholesale positive thinking will bring happiness, joy and abundance.

Please share this message with those that you wish to help and protect… as you would with a computer virus warning.


If changing your thoughts and therefore your life is of interest to you please feel free to contact me. I can help you choose a starting point.  It may be a book, a film or even a seminar.  In fact the most powerful seminar that I have ever attended is being held in Amsterdam in less than two weeks time.  Come with me.

Published 5 September 2011

Friday 27 May 2011

"At 72 his income wasn't enough to do the things he and his wife wanted to do."

I've been having a conversation with a woman called Beverley from Australia.  She represents a different company in a different market to the ones I represent.  We use the same method of distribution though, it's called network marketing. As fellow professionals we respect and support each other.
She told me about a man in his 70's that has just joined her business. I think the story says a lot...

"Hello Jon, to me, Network Marketing is really the only game in town - creating a residual income is paramount - I know people here in Australia who have lost a lot of their income - which they got from investments that have now gone sour. 

I have a man who recently joined my business - he is 72 and wanted to do something because his income wasn't enough to do the things he and his wife wanted to do. Now after only 7 months he is earning enough that he doesn't need to worry he will run out of money before he runs out of life! 
He told me he had always scoffed at those who were network marketeers - and wishes he had understood it better a long time ago. He is delightful - and so enthusiastic - he is having a wonderful time. That is so good to see."

To understand network marketing better yourself take a look at this short, generic video. It's called "The 4 Year Career":

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Believe in achieving your dreams...

I came across this story some time ago and I thought I'd share it. I have no idea who the author was. It demonstrates the importance of overcoming your fear of failure and going for your dreams...

The Dream
A man lay on his bed at the end of his life waiting to die.
His dream came to pay his last respects and bid farewell to the man who had never used it.
As it entered the room the man looked down in shame.
"Why did you not realise me?" the dream asked.
"Because I was afraid" the man said.
"Afraid of what" said the dream.
"I was afraid I would fail."
"But haven't you failed by not attempting to use me?" 
"Yes I did, but I always thought there would be tomorrow."
"You Fool!"
said the dream, 
"Did it never occur to you that there was only ever today, the moment that you are in right now?"
“Do you think that now that death is here that you can put it off until tomorrow?".
"No” said the man, a tear gently rolling down his cheek.
The dream was softer now, because it knew that there were two types of pain, the pain of discipline and the pain of regret, and while discipline weighs ounces, regret weighs pounds.
Then the dream leant forward to gently wipe away the tear and said,
“You need only have taken the first step and I would have taken one to meet you, for the only thing that ever separated us was the belief in your mind that you couldn't have me".
Then they said goodbye and they both died.

Friday 25 March 2011

Business Networking v Network Marketing/MLM - A Comparison

Click to enlarge
Business networking and referral organisations, both online and offline, often take a "no network marketing/multi-level marketing" stance. Groups like BNI, 4Networking, Ecademy and LinkedIn are a few examples.
This has always intrigued me because both are simply business models.  The goal of each is to build a network to distribute a product.  The product could be the opportunity to network with other business people (for the purpose of growing ones own business), the other is used to distribute all manner of things such as cleaning products, utilities, health supplements and travel.
The goal in each case is to grow a business and to make profits.  Both are great models and both work. Some members of business networking groups have more success than others and some quit and claim that they don't work.  The same goes for network marketing.  
And yet, despite using an almost identical system, only one of these business models actually pays the people that are really responsible for growing the network.  I'll let you make up your own mind as to which is the fairest.
Food for thought?

Wednesday 12 January 2011

If you want to make the world a better place...

...take a look at yourself and make a change.
Wise words from "Man in the Mirror" - Michael Jackson.
The song was inspired by this poem... 

The Guy in the Glass
by Dale Wimbrow, (c) 1934

When you get what you want in your struggle for pelf,
And the world makes you King for a day,
Then go to the mirror and look at yourself,
And see what that guy has to say.

For it isn't your Father, or Mother, or Wife,
Who judgement upon you must pass.
The feller whose verdict counts most in your life
Is the guy staring back from the glass.

He's the feller to please, never mind all the rest,
For he's with you clear up to the end,
And you've passed your most dangerous, difficult test
If the guy in the glass is your friend.

You may be like Jack Horner and "chisel" a plum,
And think you're a wonderful guy,
But the man in the glass says you're only a bum
If you can't look him straight in the eye.

You can fool the whole world down the pathway of years,
And get pats on the back as you pass,
But your final reward will be heartaches and tears
If you've cheated the guy in the glass.

NB. Pelf – noun, money or wealth
More up to date but just as appropriate, the chorus from “Man in the Mirror” sung by Michael Jackson

I'm Starting With The Man In The Mirror
I'm Asking Him To Change His Ways
And No Message Could Have Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place
Take A Look At Yourself, And Make A Change

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Wherever you are at are you achieving your potential?

Whether your back is against the wall or you feel you could do so much more, this video from Tony Robbins may help you to achieve your potential...
Click for video Interview with Tony Robbins, Frank Kern and John Reese